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Kanisorn Chantasriviroj




       According to the survey, the business model of Thailand's tourism zero tour fee originated from the Taiwan tourism market. Early Taiwanese tourists came to Thailand for a lack of prosperity. Until 1993, Taiwan Tourism Agency launched a “zero-fee” tourism product that sensationalized the entire Taiwan market. More and more Taiwanese tourists are participating in this new tourism product, and the Thai tourism industry has benefited from it. However, it is still found that there are still many potential problems. The increase of Taiwan tourists has attracted many foreign investors to disrupt the tourism market in Thailand and the proliferation of illegal foreign tour guides. This has not only damaged the fundamental interests of Thailand's tourism industry, but also led to the outflow of funds from Thailand. Taiwan is the founding area of ​​the zero tour group tour program.

        After 2000, the tourism department of the Taiwan government took effective measures to seriously clean up and reorganize the travel company that promoted the zero tour fee, and advocated the replacement of the zero tour group tour group with high-quality tour groups. Coupled with the maturity of Taiwan's tourism market, tourists' demand for tourism quality and other reasons have led to the withdrawal of the zero tour group tour to the historical stage. Including the study of the rise and fall of the Taiwan tour group, the understanding of the Thai tourism industry and the response to the status quo and future of the China-Thailand tour group, and the exploration of the existing problems and effective solutions to the problem have important implications significance.

Key words: “Zero group fee” tour group; Thailand tourism market; foreign illegal tour

                   guide; government effective measures; tourism quality







[1] 零团费:泛指一些仅向游客收取极低费用甚至是免费的旅行团。

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