A Study of English Loanwords in the Thai Television Series "The Diary Tootsies Season 1"

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Nattapon Kuptanaroaj



            This research aims to explore the types of English loanwords found in The Diary Tootsies the Series Season 1, and to study their semantic changes. There are 12 episodes in the series. The analysis was based on the frameworks regarding the forms of English loanwords by Hockett (1958), Yuttatri (2004), Taileart (2015), Chakma (2016), Mahakaew (2016) and Boonchuay (2018), comprising Transliteration, Loan Blend, and Loan Translation. In terms of the semantic changes, the frameworks offered by Croft (2000), Yuttatri (2004), Winter-Froemel (2013) and Mahakaew (2016) were adopted. The types of semantic change consisted of original meaning, broader meaning, narrower meaning, and deviating meaning. From 223 words found, the results revealed that transliteration (91.03%) was found the most for 203 words, followed by 17 words (7.6%) of loan blend and 3 words (1.3%) of loan translation. As regards the semantic change, original meaning was used most at 208 words (93.3%), followed by 8 words with deviating meaning (3.6%), 7 words with broader meaning (3.1%), whereas a loanword with narrower meaning was not found.  

TV Series, Word Borrowing, English Loanwords

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Research Articles


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