泰国电视剧之泰华文化与形象再现比较 A Comparison of Thai TV Series Representation of the Thai Sinophone Culture and Imagery
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本文透过两部以华人为主题颇具代表性的泰国电视剧,即《跟阿公一起住》(1993) 和《兄弟情浓于血》(2018) 的解读,检视不同时期泰国华人的形象与文化再现,比较泰国社会对华人及其文化的接受与想象。研究发现上述两部电视剧呈现的华人文化元素居多,其中包括茶文化、清明节、华人传统观念等,泰华形象再现符合泰国有关华人的主流叙事,即华人因勤俭和诚信,可从贫困变富有。另外也呈现华人如何保留传统中华文化,同时反映后代泰华较高的被同化程度。剧中的华人文化与情节随着当时泰国的现代化程度及泰国社会对当地华人的看法的演变而调整。
This article investigates the reconstruction of image and culture of the Thai Chinese from different periods of Thailand in two of the most representative TV series about the Thai Chinese, ‘Yu Kap Kong (Living with Grandpa)’ (1993) and ‘In Family We Trust’ (2018), comparing Thai society’s view and imagination of its overseas Chinese and the Chinese culture. It is found that numerous cultural elements, namely the tea culture, Qingming festival, Chinese traditional ideologies, etc., were portrayed in both series. The reconstruction of the overseas Chinese in both TV series conformed to the Thai mainstream narrative about its overseas Chinese, that the Chinese industriousness, thrift, and honesty make them able to transform themselves from one of the poorest to become one of the wealthiest people in Thailand. Both series showed how Chinese preserve their traditional culture and a high degree of assimilation of the later generation of the Thai Chinese. The stories and culture of Chinese in Thailand in both series had been characterized by the country’s degree of modernization at that moment and the development of the view of Thai society towards its overseas Chinese.