Use of Erotic Words in Prayoon Yomyiam’s Thai Folk Songs

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sarawut - Sudnguluam


This current study aims to analyze the use of erotic words in Prayoon Yomyiam’s Thai folk songs by employing a theory proposed by Sukanya Pattrachai in 1997 as a frame of analysis. Based on the proposed theory, erotic words can be classified into two categories as follows: Klon Daeng (direct erotic words) and Klon Song Ngae Song Ngarm (ambiguous erotic words). For ambiguous erotic words, the most frequent type of erotic words used in Prayoon Yomyiam’s Thai folk songs is symbolic objects and expressions (220 times; 83.33%), followed by erotic words with sound or spelling changes (42 times; 15.91) and spoonerisms (2 times; 0.76%), respectively. There is no use of direct erotic words found in Prayoon Yomyiam’s Thai folk songs. It can therefore be concluded that the use of ambiguous erotic words especially those associated with symbolic objects and expressions is the most prominent feature in Prayoon Yomyiam’s Thai folk songs. It helps creating a fun atmosphere while singing back and forth and making the singer feels superior to her male counterpart. In addition, it is an artistic way to reduce rudeness in mentioning about sexual organs and sexuality.

Use of Erotic Words, Thai Folk Songs, Prayoon Yomyiam

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