Yellow Shirts and National Liberation: Techniques of satire in political cartoons by Buncha Kamin

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กรวุฒิ นิยมศิลป์


This article aims to study themes and techniques in political cartoons by Buncha Kamin in the 2008 during the period of Samak Sundaravej’sgovernment. The article results reveal that Buncha Kamin represent positive of images of the People’s Alliance for democracy that protect the profit of the country. On the other hand, Bucha Kamin represents the negative images of Samak Sundaravej’s government by caricature. Buncha Kamin represent the body of character is deviant from normal standard and uses the techniques satire Thaksin Shinawatra as the capitalist intervenes congress. These techniques reveal the mistake of the government, which gives Thaksin Shinawatra take advantage of the nation. Reproduction of these images has created legitimacy with political group that writers take side. On the other hand, attacking the other political group with prejudice and hatred leads to violence in resolving conflicts.

Keywords: Satire, Political cartoons, Buncha Kamin, Political conflict

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