A Study of Science Learning Achievement and Scientific Mind of Fifth Grade Students by Using Science Integrated Learning Unit on the Topic Water Mimosa

  • เหมือนฝัน ทองดี
  • พรทิพย์ ศิริภัทราชัย
Keywords: Integrated Learning Unit, Science Learning Achievement, Scientific Mind


The purposes of this research were to study science learning achievement, scientific mind of fifth grade students and criteria set 70 percent by using science integrated learning on the topic water mimosa.
The samples were 32 fifth grade students in the second semester of 2018 academic year at Wathuaku school, Samut Prakan Province. They were selected by using purposive sampling method. The teaching period were 24 hours. The instruments used for data collection was Integrated learning unit on water mimosa, science achievement test and scientific mind test. The research design was One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data were analyzed by t-test for Dependent Samples and t-test for One Sample.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. Science learning achievement after learning was higher than before learning at the .01 level of significant.
2. Scientific mind after learning was higher than before learning at the .01 level of significant.
3. Science learning achievement after learning was higher than criteria set 70 percent at the .01 level of significant.
