The Uses of Social Media for Marketing Communication in cactus gardeners businesses

  • อัญชลี หล่อนิล
  • จันทิมา เขียวแก้ว
Keywords: The Uses of Social Media, Marketing Communication, Cactus Businesses


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the online marketing communication strategies of the cactus gardener business group; 2) to study the content creation in online marketing communication of the cactus gardener business group 3) to study the content presentation format online marketing communication of the cactus gardener group. The sample comprised of cactus r business owner group that uses social media marketing communication. This research is a qualitative research. By analyzing content marketing communication via social media, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and all types of website media in total 30 brands , and conducting interviews with 3 brands.The objectives of this research are 1) to study the online marketing communication strategies of the cactus gardener business group; 2) to study the content creation in online marketing communication of the cactus gardener business group 3) to study the content presentation format online marketing communication of the cactus gardener group. The sample comprised of cactus r business owner group that uses social media marketing communication. This research is a qualitative research. By analyzing content marketing communication via social media, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and all types of website media in total 30 brands , and conducting interviews with 3 brands.The research results from the interview of the cactus gardener business group revealed that the online marketing communication strategy of the cactus gardener business group is planning to use social media that can reach many people like Facebook to create brand recognition and used as an area to close the sales. Using Instagram to increase brand awareness, using YouTube to create a brand image and transfer knowledge, using website as the area to tell the identity of the brand and sell products into categories and using Facebook Group to build loyalty with the brand , is an exchange area for learning and close the sales only for groups.In addition, Facebook has been used Facebook Messenger and Line to answer questions and discuss with the target group personally . Use of post techniques and content to get attention and suspicion of the target group in order to close the sale via Facebook Messenger and Line. The content type in online marketing communication is defined. Both in promoting and encouraging the purchase or use of services. Promotion and providing useful information in the form of knowledge, teaching various techniques, main communication, in addition to post-selling products also focuses on creating brands that are memorable in all channels There is a selection of postings that think the target group will be free to come in , choose to buy products easier and relying on post regularly . To be easiest recognized by the target group.According with the information obtained from content analysis, marketing communication via social media, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and all types of website media in total 30 brands , totaling 870 posts.Post from 1 - 30 April 2019, found that the most used social media is Facebook (FB), followed by Instagram (IG) and YouTube. The highest used market content is providing information about communication channels, followed by promoting and encouraging the purchase or use of services and providing information about products. The highest posted content were by the attitude, lifestyle and needs of the target group , followed by content that invites the target group to show some behaviors, such as making a purchase. The highest content presentation found was in text format with emoticons and hashtags. The single photos were posted most, followed by a photo album. Mostly use video on Facebook and followed by a video on YouTube. The most content is presented as a Facebook group link and followed by links to other websites. Use the maximum post time is 12.01 - 15.00 hrs., Followed by 18.01 - 21.00 hrs.
