The solution to the Problem of using the VISA Debit card Service of the GSB customer

  • ปิยธิดา มลอุ่น
Keywords: VISA Debit


Problem of using VISA Debit card service, GSB customer Surat Thani 1 zone to study the factors that are related to the problem of not using VISA DEBIT card and find ways to increase the service activation of VISA DEBIT card customers due to the card usage of the Government Savings Bank Suratthani 1 area not less than 80% Of the target according to the KPI of the Bank. Study and research by collecting 221 questionnaires and interviewing relevant persons. The results of the study of organizational strategy options And the selection of growth strategies (in order to be able to grow and apply a variety of approaches to be applied together in the business to achieve success Focus on intensive growth In the business level strategy The study has chosen an aggressive strategy. Competitive strategy Conservation strategies and prevention strategies By focusing on providing knowledge and understanding that is accurate, complete, with quality in communication about how to use VISA cards in the future. Services Providing advice and benefits in using VISA DEBIT cards to GSB customers By choosing the solution to solve the problem of the opening of the service card of the Government Savings Bank, Surat Thani District 1 in order to promote the products of the bank The success factor is that being a bank is a government providing support as the strength of the organization. That defines the vision And the mission and direction of operation that led to the sufficiency economy philosophy And correspond to the national strategic plan Sustainable development goals of the United Nations Which changes according to the digital age and the majority of consumers' behavior Conservation strategy By improving the service points for deposit-withdraw vending machines Electronics to meet the needs of customers adequately And prevention strategies to maintain old customers.

Business Administration and Management Articles