The problem of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) sales of the Government Savings Bank Region 9

  • วสันต์ชัย คำมงคล
  • ธีรนุช พูศักดิ์ศรีกิจ
Keywords: Problem, Non-Performing Assets (NPA), Government Savings Bank


The main objectives of this study The problem of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) sales of the Government Savings Bank Region 9 was to study causes and solutions of selling NPAs. The results found: 1. The assets were in a run-down condition. 2. The cost of assets was overpricing. 3. The problem of advertising channel and media. 4. The sale staffs were not enough. 5. The lack of budget for repairing the assets. The Government Savings Bank has attempted various instruments to tackle the existing problems of NPAs these were;Guideline 1: to maintain and improving condition of assets either before selling or during in the store. Guideline 2: to appraise the assets costs based on asset condition. Thus, the assets should be improving condition and suitable appraisal costs before selling.
Guideline 3: to improve and increase advertising channel of NPAs.
