Effects of Cafergot in Development of Chick Embryos

  • Nalinlana Chariyadech
  • Jantima Roongrungchai
Keywords: Cafergot, Teratogen, Chick Embryo


Cafergot, one of the most well-known medical regimen for migraines is composed of ergotamine tartrate and caffeine. It has the porperties of analgesic, vasoconstriction, and increase the uterine contraction. However, it may cause fetal harm in pregnant woman. Nowadays Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified the cafergot as contraindicated in woman who becomes pregnancy. Nevertheless, Teratogen Information System (TERIS) is still undetermined the cafergot due to lack of empirical data support. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the affected fetal development period and to specify the effector organs that cafergot acts as the teratogenic agent in chick embryo as an animal model by using whole mounting technique. The fertilized white leghorn eggs were divided four treated groups that were injected with 6mg, 5mg, 2.5mg and 1.25mg cafergot into the yolk sac of

fertilized eggs of group1, group 2, group 3, and group 4, respectively. The mortality rates were compared among the doses and developmental periods. Gross morphological changes of control and treated groups were studied on day 3. The results showed that the mortality rate increased as the concentration of the drug increased. The morphology showed retardations of the brain development, head region flexion, and somite formation. There was few branchial arches and absent the limb buds. The heart showed U-shape loop whereas the eyes were small (micropthalmia).
