Assessment of a Project to Improve the Quality of Reading, Writing and Analytical Thinking in Basic Education Level Assessment Using the Cippiest Assessment Model

  • อนันตชัย ทองปาน
  • พรสวัสดิ์ ศิรศาตนันท์
  • บุณยกุล หัตถกี
Keywords: Project Evaluation, CIPPIEST Model, Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking


Project to improve the quality of reading, writing and analytical thinking in basic education level, conducted by the Faculty of education Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University.  It is a very important and useful project. The researcher is interested in evaluating the project using the CIPPIEST assessment model.  The objective 1) assessment of the project to improve the quality of reading, writing and analytical thinking in basic education level 2) Study guidelines to promote the enhancement of reading, writing and critical thinking of students in Basic Education level, Faculty of Education, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University. The research using a mixed research process, quantitative and qualitative. Studied with 3 sample groups which are project administrators, project worker and project participants. There are 2 types of data collecting tools which are 1) two rating scales questionnaire, with reliability value of .98 and .97 and 2) Interview form. Analyze data with mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

The results were as follows

  1. Project administrators, project worker assessing the project to pass all criteria and overall were suitable at a high level, the impact, effectiveness, transportability, process and sustainability were at the highest level.
  2. Project participants assessing the project to pass all criteria, overall and all item were at a high level
  3. Guidelines to promote the enhancement of reading, writing and critical thinking of students in Basic Education level, Faculty of Education, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University.

To summarize : enhancing reading, writing, and critical thinking must create activities and an atmosphere that encourages students to be interested in reading, writing, and analytical thinking. School administrators must provide support in media, innovation and modern technology and most importantly, teachers have to develop skills processes. Including learning management design that stimulates the thinking process of students by integrating further from reading and write quality.

Therefore, if the educational department wants to promote and enhance reading Writing and analytical thinking of students, should focus on the atmosphere and suitable innovation to the interest of students for effectiveness and sustainable development.

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles