A Study on The Relationship Between School Administration Factors and Early Childhood Education Management of Brain-Based Learning in Schools Under Trat Primary Educational Service Area Office

  • สุภาภรณ์ เที่ยงทางธรรม
  • พรสวัสดิ์ ศิรศาตนันท์
Keywords: Educational Administration Factors, Early Childhood Education Management, Brain-Based Learning Management


This research is quantitative research. Its objectives are 1) to study the factors of school administration in Under the Office of Trat Primary Education Area 2) Study the level of early childhood education by using the brain as the base in the school And 3) to study the relationship between educational administration factors and early childhood education by using the brain as the base in the school. Under the Office of Trat Education Service Area. The sample consisted of early childhood teachers in schools. Under the Office of Trat Primary Educational Service Area in the academic year 2019, amount 190 persons, specimens were determined by using the comparison table of Craigie and Morgan. Research tools It is a questionnaire with 5 rating scales. The whole confidence value is .98. The statistics used for data analysis are mean, standard deviation. And the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.

The results of the research revealed that 1) the factors of school administration in schools. Under the Office of Trat Education Service Area Overall, it is at a high level. 2) Early childhood education management using the brain as the school. Under the Office of Trat Education Service Area Overall, it is at the high level. 3) The relationship between the educational administration factors and Early childhood education management using the brain as a school There is a positive relationship with the provision of early childhood education. By using the brain as the base with statistical significance at the .01 level of budget, materials, equipment Management, personnel and environment.

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