This research on the study on satisfaction of customers in Bangkok towards quality of call center

case study of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives

  • เกษรินทร์ แพทอง มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย
Keywords: satisfaction towards service quality, Call Center, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives


This research on the study on satisfaction of customers in Bangkok towards quality of call center: case study of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives aims to: study and compare  demographic characteristics with perception on service quality; study on factors influencing satisfaction level towards service quality; and to compare expectation towards service quality. The sample group consisted of 214 customers who used services of the bank. Tools used for collecting data were questionnaires responded by 204 samples and interview form conducted with 10 samples. The results obtained from questionnaires revealed that different demographic characteristics had no influence on different satisfaction level towards services. For factors influencing satisfaction towards services usage, it was found that factor on expectation toward services usage was in the highest level whereas factor on system quality was in the lowest level. From comparing expectation with actual perception on service quality, it was found that the results obtained from questionnaires and interview wee consistent, i.e., the sample group expected that the duration of service was not long. However, after using service, the found a problem on long calling duration for contacting with staffs leading to lower satisfaction level because they received service that failed to meet with their expectation.

Business Administration and Management Articles