Study on marketing strategies to increase the usage of government lottery prize claiming service at branches of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in Bangkok area

  • กัญญาวรรณ อัตชู ธนาคารเพื่อการเกษตรและสหกรณ์การเกษตร
  • ศุภสัณห์ ปรีดาวิภาต
Keywords: Stamp duty, Fee income, Marketing strategies, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, Government lottery prize claiming service


This research is a study on the marketing strategies to increase the usage of government lottery prize claiming service at branches of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in Bangkok area. The study was conducted by mean of a quantitative research performed by questionnaire using close ended question with 400 samples who have purchased government lottery in one part, and a qualitative research performed by semi-structured interviews with 5 samples on another part. The study showed that regarding awareness of the existence of government lottery prize claiming service provided by the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, it was found that most people were not aware that the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives offers such service. Most people who knew that the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives offered such service got the information from the bank employees who recommend such service, followed by the websites/pages of the service provider, internet, and recommended by other people, respectively. Regarding the 7 aspects of marketing mix factors affecting the government lottery prize claiming of people in Bangkok, the respondents prioritize, starting from the least important to the most important, these aspects as follows: firstly, they pay attention to the service providing process with the average scores of 4.34 by focusing on fast and simple service providing process; followed by physical component; personnel; price; service providing channel; product; and marketing promotion, respectively.   The appropriate fee (including stamp duty) should be 1%of the total value. The prize claiming channel that they considered convenient was at the lottery stall. Regarding the respondents who used prize claiming service at lottery stall/shops, most of them got the information from their people who are close to them. From the aforementioned results, the researcher suggested that the bank should have a strategy to promote the service to the target group, as well as improving the service process to be faster; for example, implementing technology to help in the service process, or managing the service process to be simple and fast. The channels for prize claiming may have to be increased, especially during the peak hours of the service, etc., to increase the opportunity to expand the service in a new form and to expand the new customer base, which would result in the increase of fee income in long term.

Business Administration and Management Articles