How to increase deposit among farmer customers of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), Taladthai branch

  • มัณทนา ไมตรีรักษา มหาลัยหอการค้าไทย
  • ศุภสัณห์ ปรีดาวิภาต
Keywords: Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) Talaadthai branch, increasing saving deposit, farmer customers


This study aimed to figured out the factors affected customers’ deposit behaviors and finding the strategies to increase deposit among customers of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), Taladthai branch. Three hundred and sixty questionnaires were deployed for gathering data from farmer customers of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) who had the balance less than 1,000 baht. Quantitative data
was analyzed through percentage, average and standard deviation. Five participants this study was invited to semi-structure interview. The obtained data would be transcript and describe the significant points related customers deposit.

The result indicated that the top five of marketing mixed factors related to customers deposit behaviors among the participants in this study were the bank employees' willing to help, working correctness, friendliness and good manner, the process providing correct service, and fast service, respectively. In addition, the information acquired from five participants from the interviews also revealed that the factors affected customers deposit behaviors were deposit promotion campaign and service-mind of bank employees through deposit product information providing to customers. These would help to increase the customers deposit. This study suggested the strategies to increase deposit among farmer customers by offering them deposit promotion campaign and assigning bank employees providing deposit information to customer to persuade the customers to increase deposit.

Business Administration and Management Articles