A study of the participatory management of student activities for Ban Bo Luang School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province

  • กมลฤทัย เนตรทิพย์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงใหม่
  • ศิริมาศ โกศัลย์พิพัฒน์
  • ณัฐิยา ตันตรานนท์
Keywords: Student Activities Administration, Management, Participation


The objective of this research was to study the participatory management of student activities for Ban Bo Luang School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province. The research tool was a questionnaire on the participatory management of student activities. The population were 92 people, consisting of school administrators, school committees, teachers, student council committees, and  students who chose to engage in the activities. Statistics used in research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, as well as content analysis for the open-ended questions.  

The results of study showed that the research participants had moderate opinions about the participatory management of student activities. However, when considering each aspect of the participatory, it was found that the brainstorming process had the highest mean, and the evaluation process had the lowest mean.  Additionally, research participants suggested that they would like to participate in designing school activities, as well as  evaluating school activities in order to enhance school activities that are suitable for their aptitude and needs.

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles