Return on Equity Fund from Short-term Investment and Long-term Investment

  • นภวรรณ กิมะพันธ์ มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย
Keywords: Mutual fund, Performance, Standard Deviations


The purpose of this study was to compare returns. Risk-adjusted return of Equity Funds and Small and Medium Equity Funds created with market returns and compare returns Adjusted by the risk value of equity funds from short-term and long-term investments that the return in any term yields better than each other. Evidence exists to show that using Sharpe and Treynor metrics as a measure of risk-adjusted return. Using equity funds Types of significant equity funds (Equity-Large Cap) 8 funds rated five stars from Morningstar Thailand for February 2021 and 1 small and medium-cap equity fund created using 13 small-cap stocks. It creates a group of securities based on the investment theory of securities that makes the return-to-value ratio by medium and small equity funds.

highest risk

         From the study, it was found that if summarizing the overall results of this study can be used to consider investment in equity funds If considering in terms of return only Should choose to invest in the long term without adjusting the risk Better than short term investment But when considering the risk-adjusted return and return compared to the market's return Can invest both in the short term and in the long term, should consider the risk that the investor can accept and the expected return. Investment timing Because investments during that period are more volatile. Compared to short-term investments or long-term investments.
