Kamphaeng Phet Province Tourism Development of Khong Lan National Parks

  • เจษฎา อินทร์อ่อน rsu
  • ชาญชัย จิวจินดา
Keywords: Kamphaeng Phet, Khlong Lan National Park, Tourism


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the development plan of Khlong Lan National Park. (2) to study the problems and obstacles in the management of tourism in Khlong Lan National Park.  Qualitative research is used by studying the documents and in-depth interviews by choosing groups of key informants whom can be classified into 3 main groups as follows; 1) a group of government officers in tourism, 5 people, 2) a group of tourism business operators in Khlong Lan National Park, 5 people, 3) a group of tourists who travel in Khlong Lan National Park, 10 people. The results of the study revealed that, firstly, the principle of sustainable tourism in the area of ​​Khlong Lan National Park, Kamphaeng Phet Province, must be consistent with the principles of world tourism development. This can be summarized as follows: (1) using resource sustainable; (2) reducing over consumption and waste; (3) maintain diversity of nature, society and culture (4) integrating tourism into planning (5) supporting local economy (6) involving local communities and participation in holistic approach with local communities (7) preparation of tourism information services (marketing tourism responsibly) (8) Evaluate, examine and conduct research.  Secondly, the principle of sustainable tourism in the area of ​​Khlong Lan National Park, Kamphaeng Phet Province, must focus on and take into account at least 5 factors: (1) Must be tourism continuity (2) Must be quality tourism (3) Must be balanced tourism (4) The development of people in all relevant sectors must be given first; (5) Must focus on the goals of sustainable tourism.

For suggestions on development guidelines for Khlong Lan National Park is 1. National Park’s Training should be given to tourists in forest diving activities to enable them to learn and survive when problems arise and as an alternative to educational tourism. 2. National Parks Animal-watching activities should be organized to increase the ability to travel as an alternative. 3. Toilets and parts of building construction should be arranged to harmonize with nature in order to be unique to the park. 4. On the transportation side, there should be a revolving bus at each point and leave on time

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles