• นิธิวัชร์ ศิริวรานภาพงศ์ คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • ธานี วรภัทร์
Keywords: Social Security, Marine Fisheries Workers


The research was to study the problems of social security of marine fishery labor. This type of labor is not considered compulsory workers, who must enter the social security system like other occupations, but rather are voluntary by both employers and employees. Also, these workers are less protected, and despite the fact that fishing is an important occupation and has a high risk compared to other occupations, it comes to being restricted to fewer rights than many others. The results revealed that the social security laws on marine fishery labor of Thailand and Malaysia are similar in that of social security system regarding career coverage and entering system. This is because of a limited group, the small scope of coverage, and the ability to enter the social security system with requirements. As a result, it is limited to the right to cover less than other occupations. China and Japan have the similarities in terms of the social security system with career coverage and entering system because their social security systems, which cover all occupations, have clearly made laws. Their workers can enter the social security system even if they considered self-employed. As a consequence, every individual can receive equal rights, and all people with different occupations can gain social security benefits.  According to the current study, the aforementioned law is suggested to be amended and developed into a specific act by increasing the benefits of marine fishery labor to be equal to other types of workers, both in the event of illness or danger, in the case of childbirth, child support, disability, unemployment, old age, and death.

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