Surveying each generation's teacher application learning problems during the COVID pandemic in Nonthaburi Province

  • วราพรรณ ภู่พันธ์
  • ไพลิน เฟอเรย์
  • ตุลา ประทับ
  • มัณฑนา ใหม่เงิน
  • ศรีสุภา วรคามิน
  • ปิยธิดา อินทรักษาทรัพย์
  • วรกานต์ อาจหาญ
  • ธีรศักดิ์ ทองประดับ
  • สุภัทรา สดเอี่ยม
Keywords: Application, COVID-19, Generation, Learning


The objectives of this research were to (1) investigate the application learning problems of each generation of teachers in the COVID pandemic and (2) study the differences in application for learning in each generation of teachers during the COVID pandemic in Nonthaburi Province, academic year 2021. The samples in this research were 400 teachers in Nonthaburi. The research instrument was the teacher application learning problems of each generation during the COVID pandemic questionnaire. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings were (1) most of the learning application problems were in Generation B, aged 57 years or older, followed by Generation X, aged 43–57 years old, and Generation Z, aged 17–22, which was the generation with the least problems; (2) Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z preferred a teaching-style application learning model by collaborating with other teachers and demonstrating at the same time. Generation B prefered teachers preferred the learning style of the lecture-type application in the conference room the most.
