The solutions Guidelines for increasing the efficiency of measures to maintain base The housing loan customer A case study of The Government Savings Bank, In Bangkok Sector 1

  • Pornthips Saphankaew University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality, , Measures to maintain customer base, Housing loan


This study aims to To analyze customer relationship management and service quality that affects the intention to use measures to maintain the housing loan customer base. Government Savings Bank case study In Bangkok, Region 1, the samples used in the study were GSB housing loan customers and housing loan customers who applied for refinancing to other financial institutions. using a specific sampling method by choosing a branch in Bangkok, Region 1 300 unit

The study found that Customer relationship management factors That affects the intention to use the service measures to maintain the housing loan customer base, including building relationships Listening to opinions and customer service channels As for the quality of service factors, namely reliability. Trust and response Statistically significant at the level 0.05

Business Administration and Management Articles