Music Composition “Learning” For Jazz Orchestra

  • ณัฐวุฒิ หมัดอ่าหมีด
Keywords: Learning, Jazz Orchestra, Composition


Music composition “Learning” for jazz orchestra, aimed to produce the song that have an inspiration from the composer’s feelings during he had studied master degree in conservatory of music, Rangsit University. The composer have a chance to learn and faced with new experiences which is a big change in his life. It takes time for the composer to adapt to a new society which is totally different from his home town. The feeling of pressure when dealing with unfamiliar surroundings and the differentiation of the tradition are inspirations for the composer to compose this song to reflect the feeling of the composer once he faced the problems. This tune has 7 minutes long. Composed by using the combination of Jazz and Classical composition techniques. This tune had completely followed its objectives, the first published was in Monday Night Live Part IX had been played by RSU Jazz Orchestra. This tune is a creative work that is beneficial to the education and development of the Thai music industry.

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