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สวิตตา ตีรณวัฒนากูล


The purpose of this thesis is to study the form and development of the movement of community rights and thoughts regarding the direction of community rights in the present day. This includes the factors that affect the procedures for changing laws and their implementation. From studying the Hug Muang Nan group, we know them as an organization within the society with an important role in supporting the management of the community forest of people in the Nan province.  The group also helps to push the law of community rights into performance.

Although over 20 years has passed, Community rights as well as community forest issues have expanded much all over the country. Besides still having many researchers who support the success of the community forest, changes still occur to the forest resources today where a deviation in the Muang Nan society can be widely noticed.  Questions have been raised regarding the survival of community rights and the management of forest resources within the community under the principle of community rights.

The study of this research has found that social performance drive has the power to change community rights by law. However, although they have had laws to support the right of the constitution since 2540 B.C., it has appeared that no progress has been made in stabilizing procedures to putting these laws into execution.  Two theoretical factors exists:

  1. Possible problems with the community rights supporters.

  2. Possible problems in the management of government resources.

From the study of the Hug Muang Nan group, it’s been uncovered that some important changes have occurred to show a correlation between the pattern of the people’s way of life in the community and forest resources.  Also, changing of societal conditions and economy have reflected the movement of community rights efforts from the issue of management of forest resources to the issue of the management of land resources; potentially a system that can reflect the intricacies between leading group rights and increased privacy. In addition, government cannot clearly support community rights by law. A “grey area” has been built regarding the power over management resources in the Nan province which stems from the unclarity of whether it be considered community right or conservative government responsibilities which could ultimately result in a near future conflict between government and community.

Community Right, Community Forest, Hug Muang Nan group,

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Research Articles