Portrait of Nature Dance for Jazz Orchestra

  • เอกภพน์ เขียวยะสิทธิ์
  • เด่น อยู่ประเสริฐ
Keywords: Portrait of Nature Dance, Music Composition, Jazz Orchestra


The purposes of this thesis were to compose a piece for the Jazz orchestra through a combination of concepts and methods of modern jazz composers and the traditional Jazz composition techniques and to publicly publish the music composition.

The Portrait of Nature Dance told a story of the adventure of a woman in the wonderland which was inspired by the portrait of a woman dancing in a natural setting and the imagination of the composer. The piece consisted of three parts, each emphasizing the interpretation of three essential words including portrait, nature, and dance. Each part was linked by the transition along with the improvisation according to the patterns and the methods for Jazz composition in order to present the smooth continuity of the story.

The music composition of the Portrait of Nature Dance for Jazz Orchestra achieved the determined purposes by prioritizing the melody and motif development, a variety of the counterpoints, free improvisation, and also adapting the traditional Jazz composition techniques. The length of this piece is ten minutes. Additionally, this music composition is released to an online media channel for jazz educational purposes.


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