Comparison of Resolution of Data set and Image Resolution in the Processing of Facial Recognition Systems on the Raspberry pi 3 System

  • ธนพงศ์ วงศ์บุญ
  • ปณิธิ เนตินันทน์
Keywords: Data Set Resolution, Image Resolution, Facial Recognition Processing, Raspberry Pi3 Devices


In the project preparation, comparison of data set resolution and the image resolution used in the processing of the face recognition system with Raspberry Pi3 prepared to know the outcome of the processing of the image sizes, Image types, distances of images, number of images that use the language's instruction sets of Python perform processing on Raspberry Pi3 system. This research aim to see the difference in the usages of the types of images that have resolution image processing. The tests will be performed according to the image size values specified in the image size tables. Set forth, testing conditions take the result to be displayed in graph experiments by all data sets. The data sets show that the distance can be captured the percentage of maximum clarity is 100 centimeters.
