Optimizing in the Fresh-cut Durian Production for Export to The United States Case Study ACT Co, Ltd.

  • อัจฉราภรณ์ ชื่นตา
  • ชนะ เยี่ยงกมลสิงห์
Keywords: Good Manufacturing Practices, Production of ready-to-eat fresh fruit, Layout for manufacturing, Lean


This research aims to improve the production process to be more efficient as well as to reduce the problems of damage to products. The researcher has studied the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) approach for producing ready-to-eat vegetables and fresh fruits and has applied this approach in manufacturing layout in order to gain more standard and hygienic practices. The first problem is durian has slimy substance with sour taste. The researcher adopted the principles of GMP implementation and studied the production process by using flow charts to analyze wasted processes which make the products more likely to damage. Therefore, the concept of Lean principles (7 Waste) was applied and the production time was reduced to make the products reach consumers faster and maintain their quality. These modifications can eliminate the problem of slimy substance with sour taste by 100%, reduce the waiting time before the products are stored by 70% and reduce the distance for moving products by 57%. The second problem is water in the packaging. The concept of cold chain management was studied by controlling the cold temperature during transportation which results in the ability to control the temperature up to 8 hours and eliminate 100 percent of the water problem in the packaging. The third problem is durian is hard and tasteless. The package design to indicate the degree of ripeness of durian was studied to solve this problem, by which can get rid of the problem of hard and tasteless durian by 89%. Employing each of concepts to be applied and adjusted to solve durian problems can result in the decrease of 2,184,000 baht in the value of damage which accounted for 98%.

Business Administration and Management Articles