Guidelines for reducing the number of lapsed policies BAAC Mob Rak of Phayu branch

  • ธันยาภรณ์ บุญตระการ ม.หอการค้าไทย
  • ธฤตพน อู่สวัสดิ์
Keywords: relief fund deposit, BAAC, Mob Rak, liability insurance, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)


BAAC Life Refund Deposit is a product that protects the credit limit for customers.  The research on guidelines for reducing the number of lapsed policies, BAAC Mob Rak of Phayu branch is a study to find out the reasons why customers do not renew the BAAC Life Refund policy causing the lapse of policy and find a solution to the problem of the lapsed policies, BAAC Mob Rak of Phayu branch, which constantly increasing every year by comparing the data from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2019. Statistics use in data analysis are percentage and mean.  From a survey of 100 clients, it was found that the reason that customers did not make a deposit for the BAAC Mob Rak because the customers did not understand the lapse of the policy, did not receive a warning message of the due policy, unaware of other ways to renew their insurance other than using cash payment services at the banks, and their lower agricultural product prices.  However, if with the good financial record, the customers are ready to pay. At the same time, the researcher has present solutions to be considered as guidelines to reach the target of the organization by having staff with good knowledge of the product to educate customers, explain them with the policy details, and keep them update regarding annual payment. This can be done by motivating employees and rewarding those who have a top performance.

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