Enhancing inner balance in everyday lives

  • Xu Li
  • Sridhar Ryalie
  • Pakorn Prohmvitak
Keywords: Meditation, Mindfulness, Deep Breath, Relax, Attention, Immersive Meditation


This study aimed to understand how mindfulness breathing and observation meditation affect people's sensory experience. The objective was to design and develop a mindfulness breathing trainer to help meditation beginners improve their state of being unable to focus on mindfulness meditation practice and help them adjust their breathing rate. This article explores intervention with the meditator in multiple ways to get into an effective meditation state. For example, each color will have a substantial impact on people's thoughts or subconsciousness. Therefore, it is very effective to try to use color to improve their health, mood, or life efficiency. Understanding each color's characteristics and how to choose a specific color according to particular needs can effectively guide the meditator. At the same time, we will study the positive effects of sound and other methods on meditators and obtain enlightenment in the in-depth study in this field. In combination with applicable techniques, the known effective mindfulness practice methods are used to enable meditators to practice mindfulness meditation more effectively.
