COVID-19 Infection in Children

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พิมสิริ ภู่ศิริ
นภัสวรรณ นามบุญศรี
เต็มฤทัย ภู่ประดิษฐ์


The COVID-19 situation has spread globally. It has impacted all ages including children. For children, they lack knowledge and experiences as well as their growth and development are immature; therefore, they should be taken care and monitored closely. Not only physical, mental, and socioeconomic aspects, but also children’s learning, growth, and development were impacted by COVID-19. Thus, the COVID-19 prevention or taking care of infected children is crucial. This article aims to review the COVID-19 situation and gather the information about COVID-19 including incidences and death of children, mechanism of COVID-19 infection, signs and symptoms, impact of COVID-19 to children and their family, diagnostic tests and interpretation, treatments, cares for caregivers, nursing cares, and COVID-19 prevention in children.

Children, COVID-19 infection, care, nursing care, prevention

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How to Cite
ภู่ศิริพ., นามบุญศรีน., & ภู่ประดิษฐ์เ. (2022). COVID-19 Infection in Children. APHEIT Journal of Nursing and Health, 4(1), e2688. Retrieved from
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