Nursing Guidelines for Patients with Non-communicable Diseases Nursing Practice in Community

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สุวิมลรัตน์ รอบรู้เจน
ลำไพ สุวรรณสาร


Non-communicable diseases are a major national problem due to increasing patient’s numbers every year; therefore, it is significant to solve this problem urgently. Public health services system which was designed to serve mainly acute diseases should be changed to increase taking care of community patients aiming at covering this problem and getting good outcomes. Nursing guidelines for patients with non-communicable diseases mainly consists of 1) determining the structure and workforce of nurses to facilitate work performance 2) empowering patients for self-management 3) designing healthcare service system from healthcare facilities to patient’s resident 4) promoting decision-making to patients with complications 5) developing clinical information system and 6) having public health policies and resources of help. To improve nursing care for community patients with non-communicable diseases includes these suggestions: 1) developing public policy at the local level 2) organizing service systems for patients with non-communicable diseases 3) making information database system 4) developing nursing care that involves cooperation among individuals, families, and communities, and 5) monitoring and evaluation.

nursing guidelines, chronic diseases, non-communicable diseases, community

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รอบรู้เจนส., & สุวรรณสารล. (2023). Nursing Guidelines for Patients with Non-communicable Diseases. APHEIT Journal of Nursing and Health, 5(3), e3328. Retrieved from
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