Effects of Educative Supportive Nursing Program via Line Application on Abilities to Perform Activities of Daily Living and the Recovery after Abdominal Surgery among Surgical Patients
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This quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effects of the Educative Supportive Nursing Program via LINE Application on abilities to perform activities of daily living and the recovery after abdominal surgery among surgical patients. The samples comprised 40 post abdominal surgery patients, assigned into an experimental and control groups, with 20 persons per group. The experimental group received the 3-week Educative Supportive Nursing Program via LINE Application, developed by the researchers based on Orem’s Self-care Deficit Nursing Theory, whereas the control group received standard nursing care. The instruments comprised a demographic data record form, the Barthel Activities of Daily Living Index, and the CARE (Convalescence and Recovery Evaluation). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, and independent t-test.
The findings revealed that after the intervention, the mean score for activities of daily living and postoperative recovery both the experimental and control groups were significantly higher than those of the before (t = -36.88, p < .001, t = -9.19, p < .001; and t = -8.54, p < .001, t = -4.52, p < .05, respectively). Additionally, after the intervention, the mean score for activities of daily living and postoperative recovery in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group (t = 19.87, p < .001 and t = 8.67, p < .001, respectively). These research findings support the use of the Educative Supportive Nursing Program via LINE application to enhance patients’ abilities in activities of daily living and postoperative recovery among abdominal surgery patients.
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