Problems and Satisfaction with Healthcare Service among Foreign Clients in a Government Hospital
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This descriptive research investigated the problems and satisfaction regarding healthcare service among foreign clients. Purposive sampling selected 30 staffs from a government Hospital’s outpatient department and 90 foreign clients with chronic illnesses. Instruments comprised semi-structure interview questions, healthcare providers’ opinions questionnaire, and client’s satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The results revealed that healthcare providers strongly agreed with the provision of care for foreign clients (M 3.80, SD 0.96). However, challenges included provider issue—inadequate English skills leading to longer service times and misunderstandings; and negative attitudes toward foreign patients, often seen as demanding and difficult to serve resulting in an avoidance of providing care. Service system issue included complicated processes and long waiting times. Regarding facilities demonstrated insufficient space in the Foreign Healthcare Center, limited parking, and unclean restrooms. In terms of foreign clients, cultural and language differences further communication difficulties. Foreign clients’ satisfaction was at the highest level both in the sum-scale (M 4.62, SD 0.63) and all sub-scales. The Foreign clients needed the development of healthcare service to align with the standard of private hospital, included multilingual interpreters, reduced waiting times, and had English-language signage. Health service providers perceived the hospital’s capacity in providing care for foreign patients at moderate level (M 3.80, SD 0.96). It is recommended a need to develop the English communication skills of the hospital staffs and to establish nursing care standards for the foreign clients.
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