Development of a Breast Cancer Health Literacy Scale for Women at Risk of Breast Cancer
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The purposes of this study were to develop and validate a breast cancer health literacy scale for women at risk of breast cancer. The scale construction comprised 3 phases: 1) developed the scale, based on Sorensen's integrated framework of health literacy with findings from the content analysis of focus group discussions conducted with the samples, 2) validated the quality of the scale, and 3) implemented the scales. The content validity was assessed by 5 experts, and the scale was tested with a sample of 350 participants to determine internal consistency and conduct confirmatory factor analysis. The results found that the scale consisted of 22 questions with content validity of 0.86 and overall reliability of 0.92. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis found that the measurement model was in harmony with the empirical data, meeting acceptable criteria (c2 = 665.326, df = 197, p-value < 0.05, RMSE = 0.083, CFI = 0.913, TLI =0.898, GFI = 0.848). The scale comprised 4 components: 1) accessing health information (6 items), 2) understanding health information (6 items), 3) analyzing health information (6 items), and 4) applying health information (4 items). The developed health literacy scale is appropriate and can be utilized for assessing breast cancer health literacy among women at risk of breast cancer.
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