The Smoking Cessation Assistance in Patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft through the Supportive Educative Nursing System

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นันทาวดี ศิริจันทรา
ปิยภัทร พรหมสุวรรณ
ยุวดี คำพรมมาภิรักษ์


The cessation of smoking is a key factor in preventing the recurrence of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft. Nurses play a significant role in providing care, health promotion, rehabilitation, and prevention of complications after treatment. Therefore, smoking cessation through the supportive educative nursing systems is essential for assisting patients in achieving sustained and long-term smoking cessation.

This academic article aims to present nursing interventions for smoking cessation using Orem's self-care and self-care agency. The appropriate care system is the supportive educative nursing system, which includes: 1) teaching, 2) guiding, 3) supporting and assisting, and 4) creating an enabling environment. These approaches enhance patients’ self-care abilities, and serves as a guideline for nurses to effectively implement smoking cessation interventions.

supportive-educative nursing system, smoking cessation, coronary artery bypass graft

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Academic Articles


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