Service Marketing Mix Factors and Service Quality Influenceng the Decision to Rent the Trading Area of Fruit and Vegetable Traders in Talaad Thai

  • พิมพิกา กายทอง
  • พัชร์หทัย จารุทวีผลนุกูล
Keywords: Service Marketingmix, Servicequality, Decisionmaking to Rent the Commercial Area


The objectives of this research is (1) to study the personal characteristics that affect the decision to rent commercial stalls of fruit and vegetable traders in Talaat Thai (2) to study service marketing mix factors affecting rental decisions Trade stalls of fruit and vegetable traders in Talaad Thai by collecting data with questionnaires from traders in Talaad Thai. (3) To study the quality of service factors that affect the decision to rent commercial stalls of fruit and vegetable traders in Thai market. By using a random sampling method that is specific to the panelists of the fruit and vegetable traders Data analysis using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistical analysis including t-test, one-way ANOVA F-test and multiple regression analysis
The results showed that 247 female respondents (61.80%) were age more than 60 years and 113 people (28.20%) had an average monthly income of more than 80,000 baht or 116 persons (percent 29.00) Sales of fruit products in the amount of 277 people (69.30 percent) and the price of the trade panel per month 10,001 - 20,000 baht for 125 people (31.30 percent). Marketing mix factors and service quality factors have an effect on Decided to rent Retail trade of fruit and vegetable traders in the markets, at a high level.

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