Using Realistic Mathematics Education Approach to Promote Statistical Literacy: Knowledge Aspect of Grade 11 students

  • กนกวรรณ หงษ์เงิน
  • ทิพย์รัตน์ นพฤทธิ์
Keywords: Statistical Literacy, Realistic Mathematics Education


The aim of this research was to study Statistical Literacy in Knowledge Aspect of Grade 11 students through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach from 43 students at Wattanothai Payap School in the second semester of the academic year 2019. Research instruments were lesson plans, teacher’s field note and statistic literacy test. Realistic Mathematics Education  help student develop their mathematical understanding by working from contexts that make sense to them  Statistic literacy is analyzed though  Statistical Literacy in Knowledge Aspect  of  Gal (2004) which students were very good in literacy skills, statistical knowledge, good in mathematical  knowledge and fair context knowledge, critical questions

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles