Law Enforcement with Online Casinos Case Study Comparing Online Games

  • จักรภัทร เทพสุคนธ์
  • ธเนศ สุจารีกุล
Keywords: Casinos Online, Games Online, Gambling


This Thesis has 4 objectives, namely: (1) to find the causes, legal issues, models, andmanners of playing casinos online by comparing them with games online; (2) to appraise legalissues relating to games online in Thailand; (3) to compare the principles and rationales ofcasinos online in Thailand and in foreign countries; and (4) to provide legal rules to effectivelygovern casinos online.

This Thesis finds that casinos online is similar to games online rather than betting intraditional casinos. Consequently, the Thai Bet Act B.E. 2478 (Act), which is a criminal act, isnot appropriate to be applied to casinos online. The reason for this is that, by the very nature ofcasinos online, the Bet Act can be applicable to it solely by means of liberal interpretation of theAct to penalize a wrongdoer, the interpretation of which is contrary to the rule of interpretationof criminal law.

Moreover, the laws in Thailand do not absolutely prohibit betting games. They can beplayed provided that they are controlled by the Thai Government in order prevent the Thaicitizens from imbuing with betting. They may be limited in kinds as the Thai Government seesfit in order to make them producing least negative effects to the Thai people.

Therefore, the author of this Thesis considers that if the Thai Government can provideappropriate laws to control casinos online, the Thai Government can receive more revenue todevelop the country. In light of this conclusion, the author of this Thesis would like to proposethat the casinos online be permissible by the Thai Government. The actual business operation ofcasinos online can be done via licenses. The Thai Government shall enact appropriate laws tocontrol them. The violations of the laws shall be penalized in effective manners.

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