The Study for Reducing the Preventive Maintenance Costs and Expenses of Fleet Operation Department, Expert Car Rental Co., Ltd

  • นัทชา พวงมณี
  • กาญจนา กาญจนสุนทร
Keywords: Reduce the Cost, Maintenance Service Center, Car Maintenance


The research of study for reducing the preventive maintenance cost of automotive department of Expert Car Rental Co., Ltd aims to reduce the cost, study the probability of establishing the repair service center compare to using the old service center, and to propose the idea about reducing the preventive maintenance cost of automotive department for increase work efficiency by studying and analyzing data of preventive maintenance cost from RentWay system during  January - September 2019, then analyze the data and study the work to plan the development of new operating systems for the organization. The fish-bone chart is used to analyze problems.

For the solution to improve the operations of the company, there are 2 ways including opening a new maintenance service center and rent out for third party.  For opening a new maintenance service center, will study about the use of the service according to the customer repair items from the statistics of each previous months then analyze the cost to open the service at the company's service center which will include basic maintenance items such as checking oil change period, changing batteries, changing tires, and other basic maintenance items for free. For another ways, rent out for the third party, will compare the price of repair of all 3service centers and will select the appropriate service center which can accept the conditions and price as company preferred by using the middle price to make a contract.

Business Administration and Management Articles