Guidelines for Teacher Competency development in Thailand 4.0 Era The Office of Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office

  • กชพร มั่งประเสริฐ North Bangkok University
  • สิทธิพร ประวัติรุ่งเรือง
  • ขวัญหญิง ศรีประเสริฐภาพ
Keywords: guidelines, teacher competency, Thailand 4.0 era


This research aimed 1. To study the problem of teacher competency in the Thailand 4.0 era under the Phetchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office. 2. To inquire about the current condition and the need for teacher competency development in the Thailand 4.0 era under the Phetchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office and 3. To study the guidelines for developing teacher competency in the Thailand 4.0 era under the Phetchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office. The group of informants consisted of 4 experts, 2 educational administrators, school director, assistant-school director and teachers were 10 people, a total of 16 people, by purposive sampling method. The research tool used were a semi-structured interview form and 282 school teachers under Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office were obtained by determining the sample group from Krejcie & Morgan table. (Krejcie; & Morgan. 1970: 608) The research tool used were the Dual-response Format assessment questionnaire. The statistics were mean and Standard Deviation. Prioritize needs are organized using the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified) method.

The results revealed that 1. The problems of teacher competency in the Thailand 4.0 era under the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office can be summarized as follows: Teachers have a student-centered learning arrangement, but not yet a professional teacher because less inspiration, and should be more teacher spirit. Development of teacher competency in Thailand 4.0 era should inquire about the willingness of the teacher participation and cooperation. 2. The analysis results of opinions about the current condition and the need for teacher competency development towards Thailand 4.0 era the Phetchaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office in 14 data scope. The top two index values were ranked as follows: 1) Information technology/research skills with PNImodified index = 0.57; 2) Self-development. (Innovation) has PNI modified index = 0.55 and the least valuable aspect is teacher's leadership with PNI modified index = 0.17.  3. The guidelines for developing teacher competency in the Thailand 4.0 era should use digital technology according to the concept of John P. Barlow (2010), Henry Jenkins (2009), Aksorn Education Public Company Limited (2021: online) has 5 components as follows: 1) media, technology in education, 2) educational information, 3) network, 4) participation. jointly think together 5) technology.

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