Decision-making on buying food delivery platforms

  • Priewpet Wongchun
  • Amporn Puapradit
Keywords: Decision-Making, Food Delivery, Marketing Mix, Service Quality, SERVQUAL Model


The growth of the food delivery business through online platforms is rapidly growing. It becomes a part of the way of life of some people because food delivery reduces the burden and provides more convenience to consumers in many ways, plus online channels that can be easily accessed and used. As a result, this type of business expands more widely, resulting in many service providers in this type of business. The presence of a variety of service providers gives consumers a wide variety of options. The choice of use by consumers is inevitably caused by a variety of factors. The study looked at factors affecting consumer choice by giving a questionnaire to 400 food delivery platform users in the Bangkok metropolitan area to find out whether the marketing mix(7Ps) factors, and the service quality factors (SERVQUAL model) have an impact on their decisions.
