Delivery Outcomes of Pregnancy Women with Preeclampsia at Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital
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Preeclampsia is a complication that affects pregnant women and becomes an essential cause of maternal and infant’s death. This retrospective research aimed to investigate the outcomes of preeclampsia on pregnant women and their infants. The samples were the medical records of all pregnant women who were diagnosed with preeclampsia and received services in delivery room at Nopparat Rajathani Hospital. The data were collected during the year 2017 to 2019, with total of 359 cases—preeclampsia without severe features (140 cases, 39.0%), preeclampsia with severe feature (214 cases, 59.6%) and eclampsia (5 cases, 1.39%). The instruments comprised personal and obstetric data record forms. Content validity index (CVI) was 1.0. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test.
The finding on preeclampsia pregnant women outcome showed that cesarean section was the highest delivery method for 263 mothers (73.3%). For newborn outcomes, 312 and 337 cases demonstrated APGAR scores at 1 and 5 minutes equal to or greater than 7, respectively (86.9% and 93.9%), and 232 newborns (64.6%) weighed more than or equal to 2,500 grams. Type of preeclampsia was significantly associated with APGAR score at 1 and 5 minutes ( =8.959, p=.003; =4.268, p=.039, respectively) and newborn birth weight at a significant level 0.5 ( =50.90, p=.000). These findings reflect that preeclampsia condition leads to increased rate of cesarean section and affects newborn birth weight and fetal distress; therefore, nurses need to design care plan to prevent complications among pregnant women and their babies.
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