Factors Affecting Health Behaviors for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention among Support Staff in Rangsit University
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This predictive research aimed to investigate health behaviors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention and their predictive factors among support staff of Rangsit University, using Pender’s health promoting model as a conceptual framework. The 163-support staff who participated in the annual health checkup in 2022 were recruited by simple random sampling. Research instruments comprised a questionnaire with eight parts: personal data record, perceived benefit, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, activity-related affect, social support, situation influences, and health behaviors for CVD prevention. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression.
The finding showed that the health behaviors for cardiovascular disease prevention were at a moderate level (M=42.36, SD=6.64). Regarding the 4 aspects of health behaviors, the dietary habits and exercise behaviors were at a moderate level (M=20.60, SD=4.27 and M=5.49, SD=1.28, respectively). In contrast, health responsibility and stress management behaviors were rated at a high level (M=13.12, SD=2.40; M=3.15, SD=0.79, respectively). The highest predictive coefficients for cardiovascular disease prevention behaviors included self-efficacy (β=.471, p < .001) and activity-related affect (β=.218, p< .01). These two factors accounted for 39.5% of the variation in health behaviors for CVD prevention among support staff (R2=.395, p < .001).
Based on the study findings, the university should organize educational activities and skill training to enhance personnel’s self-efficacy in preventing cardiovascular disease. Additionally, it should implement activities that foster positive feelings toward health behaviors, especially dietary habits and exercise behaviors.
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