Effectiveness of Promoting Self- Care Ability Program on Self-Care Behavior, Functional Ability, and Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure
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This Quasi-experimental two group pretest posttest research design aimed to study the effectiveness of promoting self-care ability program on self-care behavior, functional ability, and readmission in patients with heart failure. Sixty patients were divided equally into an experimental group received the program to promote self-care ability, while a control group received the usual care. Data were collected by personal information and medical record form, self-care behavior of patients with heart failure questionnaires, functional ability assessment, and readmission record form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics—frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics including Chi–square test, paired t-test, independent t-test, Wilcoxon sign rank test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Fisher’s exact test.
The results found that after the experiment, the experimental group had significantly higher self-care behavior scores and functional ability compared to the control group (p<.001). In addition, no one in the experimental group was readmitted, while 3 patients (10%) in the control group were readmitted. It revealed no significant difference in readmission rate between the experimental and control groups. The findings suggest promoting self-care ability among patients with heart failure. The sustainability of self-care behavior, functional ability, and other outcomes of the patients should be follow-up.
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