Quality of Care Management in Persons with Sepsis at Intensive Care Unit in a Tertiary Hospital
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This descriptive research aimed to study the quality of care management for persons with sepsis at medical intensive care unit in a tertiary hospital. The samples included 25 of critical registered nurses and 83 medical records of persons with sepsis who admitted to the intensive care unit. The research instruments used to collect data from registered nurses included a test of knowledge in care management for persons with sepsis and a questionnaire of adherence to sepsis practice guidelines. The research instruments used for collecting data from the medical records comprised personal and illness information and the outcomes of persons with sepsis recording form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
The findings showed that most of professional nurses (52.00%) had moderate level of knowledge in care management for persons with sepsis. Furthermore, over 80% of professional nurses regularly performed every item of sepsis practice guidelines. For the clinical outcomes, the results revealed that within 6 hours, 73.49% of patients with sepsis had mean arterial blood pressure > 65 mmHg, 71.08% had central venous pressure 12-18 cmH2O, and 57.83% had urine output ³ 30 ml/hr. Patients with sepsis who achieved the goal of EDGT in the first 6 hours were 56.6 %, and the death rate of patients with sepsis were 37.30%
The research findings suggest that nurses who work in intensive care unit should be trained in a critical care nursing program or a training system should be designed for developing nurses’ knowledge and skills in caring of persons with sepsis.
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