Study of Relationship Between Self-efficacy, Adaptation, and Attitude towards Nursing Profession among Nursing Students

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ญาธิดา วุฒิศาสตร์กุล


This research aimed to investigate the levels and relationships between self-efficacy, adaptation, and attitude towards the nursing profession among year 2, 3 and 4 nursing students, totaling 213 individuals. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire comprising four sections—personal information, self-efficacy, adaptation, and attitude towards the nursing profession. Data were collected from July to August 2023. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation. The findings showed that self-efficacy, emotional and relational adaptation, and attitude towards the nursing profession were at a high level. Functional role and social adaptation were at a moderate level.  Self-efficacy, adaptation regarding functional role, social, emotion, and interpersonal relationships revealed statistically significant positive correlation with attitude towards nursing profession (r = .470, .286, .452, .397, and .457, respectively). These findings provide directions for the development of teaching and learning management to enhance students’ self-efficacy and adaptation through both theoretical and practical teaching and learning process, aiming to cultivate positive attitude towards the nursing profession.

self-efficacy, adaptation, attitude towards nursing profession, nursing student

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วุฒิศาสตร์กุลญ. (2024). Study of Relationship Between Self-efficacy, Adaptation, and Attitude towards Nursing Profession among Nursing Students. APHEIT Journal of Nursing and Health, 6(1), e3297. Retrieved from
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