Nursing Care for Pregnant Women with Cannabis Use

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นริศรา ใคร้ศรี
พัชรินทร์ เงินทอง
ปรีดา สุทธิประภา


Cannabis, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa L., can affect the nervous system and mood. In Thailand, there had been legalized cannabis from type 5 controlled substance to herbal medicine in 2022. The consequence of this change makes easy access to cannabis including pregnant women who use it for alleviating discomfort during pregnancy, thereby affecting both pregnant women and fetuses such as anemia in pregnant women, low birth weight, and preterm birth. Assessing health status of pregnant women using cannabis is vital for midwifery nurses who providing care for pregnant women. Having knowledge and understanding regarding the use of cannabis in pregnancy enables nurse-midwives to provide education, guidance, and appropriate nursing care that ensures the safety of pregnant women and fetuses.

nursing care, cannabis, pregnant women

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