• โกเมศ กาญจนพายัพ
  • สุวิทย์ รัตนานันท์
  • Sridhar Ryalie
Keywords: Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Social Network, Selfie


The purposes of this research were to study external factors contributing to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder by studying Looking-Glass Self Theory on how self-body image’s developed in order to design and develop a social network that can help prevent Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Hypothesis: If one of the causes of Body Dysmorphic Disorder is related to how one applies Looking-Glass Self Theory in forming a self-concept then receiving sincere feedbacks will help prevent Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Data collection's done by in-depth interviewing 66 sample population. The Population sample criterias for this research study are those who regularly use Social Networks, both male and female, and within 18-40 years of age. The research found that by receiving false reaction about oneself could cause false self-perception and may lead to developing Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Especially in the context of social networks where most people are less likely to share sincere opinion for they are afraid their disagreement could lead to confrontation. By not getting sincere reaction to a post, a social network is nothing more than a distorted mirror and can lead to Body Dysmorphic Disorder. On the other hand, we are more likely to express sincere response to a post if it’s expressed anonymously.  From the gathered data, the researcher was able to develop a Social Network, Mirror, that emphasizes on Anonimity in order to obtain sincere feedbacks. In turn, the feedbacks provide non-distorted views  and thus able to help prevent a person from developing Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

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