การศึกษาความต้องการของลูกค้าในการใช้บริการสินเชื่อเพื่อที่อยู่อาศัย ของ ธนาคารอาคารสงเคราะห์ แบ่งตามวงเงินการขอสินเชื่อ

  • ธีร์ทัช สิทธิศรี
  • พนิตา สุรชัยกุลวัฒนา
  • ณัฐพันธ์ บัววราภรณ์
  • รวิดา วิริยกิจจา
Keywords: Marketing 4C’s, Housing service, Government housing bank


This independent study aimed to study the factors that determined the needs of customers for choosing the housing loans of the Government Housing (GHB). The housing loans were divided by personal housing credit. Researchers collected data by using 216 samples with questionnaire. While 9 random samples were depth interviewed in order to analyze the data with descriptive statistics. Data was analyzed with independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance for finding out the association towards the needs of customers. The factors associated with the needs of customers for choosing the housing loans of GHB was evaluated using multiple linear regression analysis at significant level at 0.05.
Results; Most of samples who answered study questionnaires about 63.43% were female. Slightly than half of sample (55.09%) were aged between 30 and 39 years and (59.72%) were married. While about half of sample were civil employees or officers about 43.51%. When divided by personal housing credits, the results found that factors of demographic had personal housing credits less than 2 million baht, 2-5 million baht and more than 5 million baht, respectively. If considering the factors affected the selection of housing loans of GHB divided by the credit limit, the statistical test found that customers with a credit limit less than 2 million baht and between 2 and 5 million baht would focus on the credit limit which has been approved, installment payment periods of loan interest rate and waives of various fees for applying for a loan. For the needs of consumers (B = 1.462, p-value = 0.002 *) and the ease of purchase (B = 1.727, p-value <0.001 *) was positively correlated with the selection of credit services for addressing housing of GHB. While the communication factor (B = -1.096, p-value = 0.029 *) had a negative relationship with the selection of housing loans for the GHB with statistically significant level less than 0.05. For customers with a credit limit more than 5 million baht, the most important factors for this customer group were the loan interest rates, the installment payment period or the performance of ending up the account before the deadline without lated fees, the competence of closing the loan approval period and Non-compulsory life insurance (MRTA) etc. Moreover considering the results of statistical values would find that the ease of purchase (B = 1.055, p-value = 0.031 *) and communication (B = 1.447, p-value = 0.003 *) has a positive relationship with the selection of housing loans of GHB with statistical significance value less than 0.05. In conclusion, the selection of housing loans of GHB will depends on the mix factors of marketing 4C’s. Each Customer group of GHB will have different needs and will depends on the fundamental factors of people Therefore, the bank can clearly divide the customer groups and design the credit products that are able to be the needs of customers and to reach customers in every groups perfectly For these reasons, they leads to increase more customers choosing to use housing loans. They will can lead to increasing in the amount of new credit released to the GHB.

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