Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose to Use Housing Loan’ Government Housing Bank, Premier Service Center

  • เปรมฤดี พูลสวัสดิ์
  • รวิดา วิริยกิจจา
  • ณัฐพันธ์ บัววราภรณ์
  • พนิตา สุรชัยกุลวัฒนา
Keywords: Decision Making, Housing Service, Government Housing Bank


The objective of this study was determine decision to use the housing loan service of the Government Housing Bank. The collection was survey by in-depth interview was conducted with 202 person who used who used the housing loan service of the Government Housing Bank. The data was analyzed by using t- test and one-way ANOVA of variance based on demographic, service quality and marketing mix factor.
The result showed that 69.31 percent of female, 57.92 percent of aged between 31 and 40 years, 55.45 percent of single status, 70.79 percent of Bachelor’s degree, 50.00 percent of employee’s private companies and 36.6 percent of average income around 20,001-30,000 baht. The female customers were higher decision than male customer that use the housing loan service of the Government Housing Bank (p-value 0.05). Marking mix factor affect decision to choose the housing loan service of the Government Housing Bank. The customers, who had income less than 10,000 bath, commented service, price and distribution channel compare with customers, who had income more than 50,000 bath. In depth interview found that most customers accept to time of approve, decrease interest rate, interest level and increase credit limit depend on customer demand.
Therefore, the bank have to study products and interest rate level, limit loan, and installment conditions of other bank for improving and developing service. The term-conditions, installment conditions have to improve appropriate for customer.

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