Service Marketing Mix Factors and Service Quality Affecting Customer Satisfaction with Makro Khlong Luang Branch

  • แพรทอง แก้วกาญจน์
  • พัชร์หทัย จารุทวีผลนุกูล
Keywords: Service Marketing Mix, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Customer


This Independent study is objective to study demography factors ,service marketing mix factors ,service quality factors that affect the Customer satisfaction of Makro Klongluang Branch. The sample population consisted 400 customers were drawn from infinite population by Cochran's, Therefore, a group sampling of 400 people was implemented. A survey was used to collect information. To analyze the data, the method of descriptive statistics, which included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the method of inferential statistics, which was composed of T-test, One Way Anova (F-test) and multiple regression analysis, were conducted. The study found that the majority of the respondents of (1) The demography factors including age, education, status, occupation and personal income that affect the Customer satisfaction of Makro Klongluang Branch, a statistical significance at level 0.05. (2) The service marketing mix factors are price ,promotion ,people and process that affect the Customer satisfaction of Makro Klongluang Branch a statistical significance at level 0.05. Process is the highest level that affect to customer satisfaction and the lowest level is People. They had predictive power of 66.20 %. (3)The service quality factors are Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness ,Assurance and Empathy affect the Customer satisfaction of Makro Klongluang Branch a statistical significance at level 0.05. The highest level that affect to customer satisfaction is Tangibles and the lowest level is Assurance. They had predictive power of 72.60 %.

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